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2020-12-09 作者:故事大全 阅读:

I was leaving my driveway to drive one mile to town. There were woods and few houses along the way. I had just pulled out and there was a thick fog rolling in. Very creepy at night. I had only gone a half a block at most very slowly when I saw a very bright light through the fog. This was very strange since there was nothing near my house. 我开车出了门,要到一英里以外的镇上去。路旁是一片树林,还有零零星星的几所房子。没走出多远就下起了大雾,很快周围就被浓雾所笼罩了,这样的景象出现在夜晚真是让人不寒而栗。车子慢吞吞的走了将近一半的路程,透过雾气我看见一片亮光。这是怎么回事呢?我家周围什么也没有啊!

As I drove closer, I saw a Phillips 66 gas station. It wasn't there the day before. I pulled into it in shock and a man came out. I asked him how a gas station could have been built so fast and he looked at me strangely. He said it had been there for eight years. 走得近了,我看到那是一座菲利普斯66号加油站。我简直震惊了,昨天还没有了啊!我开车进去,这时有个人出来了,我就问他到底是怎么回事,怎么会在如此短的时间内建起一座加油站。他诧异地看着我,告诉我说这个加油站已经在这儿有八年了。

I asked him where I was, when he told me I began to shake uncontrollably. I was 300 miles from home! I looked at the clock and I had left my driveway only two minutes before. 我就问他我这是在哪儿,他的话吓得我毛骨悚然,我再也控制不住内心的恐惧。我现在正在离家300英里以外的地方。看了看表,两分钟前我才刚出门。


