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2020-12-09 作者:故事大全 阅读:

I live with my Granddad in Central London. He went on holiday and left me in the house alone for 2 weeks. 我和我爷爷一块住在伦敦市中心。他出去度假了,把我留在家里,我得一个人待两个星期。

The house is over 200 years old; he has owned it since 1982. Nothing unusual has happened since he has been living there, until Monday night. 我所住的房子有两百多年的历史了,1982年爷爷成了这儿的主人。自打住这以后,一切都很正常,直到那个周一的晚上。

I was just about to go to sleep. It was about 12am. The house is creaky as its old but what happened next was not a normal occurrence and I know it wasn't my imagination, I thought it might have been at first but I soon found out it wasn't. 那时已经快要凌晨0点了,我正要睡着,因为房子很旧了,所以吱吱作响也很正常。但是接下来发生的一切就不太正常了,而且我知道那不是我的臆想。我开始也以为是我自己幻觉,可是很快我发现并不是。

All the houses in The Mews are connected. As I was just dropping off, I heard a loud banging noise. I told myself it was just the neighbors and to stop making myself paranoid. I heard a man shouting, it sounded as if it was coming from the basement (the door to my basement is underneath my bedroom). It went quiet for a few minutes until I heard it again. This time it was much louder, it sounded like someone was kicking the basement door (which was locked). This went on for about 3 minutes. 这儿所有屋子的地下室都是相连的。我刚要睡着,突然听到砰砰的巨响,我心想可能是邻居,告诉自己不要乱想。我听到一个男人在大叫,听上去好像由地下室传来的(地下室的门就要我卧室下面)。接下来安静了几分钟,然后我又听见了叫声。这次声音又大了不少,听上去好像是有人在踏地下室的门(地下室的门是锁上的).这次又持续了三分钟左右。

I lay in my bed, too scared to move. I could hear the shouting again, I couldn't hear what was being said but I could tell that whoever was shouting was very angry. The banging started again, this time it shook the wall of my room. The windows and the wardrobe were shaking as if there was an earthquake or something similar. This went on for about 30 seconds. I then heard a woman's voice, it sounded like whimpering, as if she was pleading with someone. The wall that was shaking is directly above the basement door. 我躺在床上,吓得动都不敢动。我又听见了有人在大喊,我听不清在喊什么,可我知道那人一定非常生气。砰砰的声音又传来了,这次连我房间的墙都在晃动。房间的窗户和衣柜也在晃,好像在地震或是什么的一样。这个过程又持续了半分钟,然后我听到了一个女人的声音,听上去像是在啜泣,好像在恳求别人一样。地下室的门正上方的那堵墙又在晃动着。

There is a locked door from the street that leads to the corridor where the basement door is (I don't even have a key for this). I knew that the banging was not coming from either of my neighbors, as the part of the house that was shaking is not connected to my neighbor’s houses. After the shaking, I heard the kitchen door open (this is how you access the basement from the house) and something come up the stairs towards my bedroom. I was so scared, I couldn't even move. I heard them pacing outside my door, I lay there waiting to see someone open the door and walk through, but they didn't. I thought it was a burglar, I thought that when I wake up in the morning (at one point I didn't think that I would) I'm going find that the house has been robbed and the doors smashed to pieces. 房子临街有一个锁着的门,打开门就是一个走廊。地下室的门就开在走廊上。(我连这门的钥匙都没有)。我知道那些砰砰的声音不是我邻居发出的,因为房子正在晃动的那一部分没有挨着邻居的房子。过了一会,房子没有摇晃了,我听见厨房的门开了(要从地下室到屋里来,这是必经之路),有东西上了楼,冲我房间过来了,我害怕极了,动都不敢动。我听见他们在我房门外?垩,我躺在床上,心想他们肯定会开门进来,可是他们却没有,我想肯定是贼,等到明天早上醒来(我一度以为我可能醒过来了),我肯定会发现房子被抢了,门也被打烂了。

After I heard about 10 minutes of silence, I heard the 'thing' go back downstairs and into the kitchen. I eventually got to sleep around 4am, I was very surprised that I even got to sleep at all but I had just finished a 14 hour shift at work. 十分钟的寂静后,我听见那东西又下了楼,回到了厨房。凌晨四点的时候我终于睡着了,我自己也觉得很惊讶我居然能睡着,但毕竟之前我刚连续上了14个小时的班。

I got up at 7am for work and was worried I was going to find that the house had been robbed (I wanted to wait till it was light just in case). I went into the kitchen; all the doors leading to the basement were still locked. I unlocked each one carefully expecting to find some sort of damage but there was nothing. This made me even uneasier because I know I heard someone in my house that night. 早上七点我起来上班,心里很担心会看到整个家都被抢了,(为了以防万一,我一起等到天亮了才出了房间)。我走进厨房,却发现所以通往地下室的门都是锁着的。我仔细地打开每一扇门,想找点房间被破坏的痕迹,可却什么也没发现。这点让我更加的恐慌,因为我知道昨天晚上我听到家里是有人的。

My granddad returned home the next day. I told him about what had happened; I thought he was going to tell me to stop being stupid. He took me into the corridor where the basement door is and showed me a large crack in the wall above the basement door. I was so scared. It proves that I didn't imagine the banging and screaming and something must have caused the cracks in the wall. The surveyor came round yesterday and couldn't find the cause of the crack, he asked me if anybody had kicked or tried to force the door. I didn't tell him this story, in case he thought I was being stupid. 第二天我爷爷回来了,我告诉了他所发生的一切,我以为他会对我说别傻了。可他却领着我来到走廊,来到地下室的门前,指着门上方墙体的一道裂缝给我看。我吓坏了,这道裂缝证明那晚的砰砰声,还有尖叫都不是我凭空想像出来的,是真的有什么事情发生了才会有这道裂缝的。房屋的检测员昨天也来过,可也说不清为什么房子会裂的。他问我有没有人踢过门或者是想破门而入之类的。我没有跟他说那晚的事情,我怕他会觉得我简直是太愚蠢了。

Last night my granddad left me alone in the house again, the first time since Monday night’s incident. I decided to sleep on the sofa bed in the front room. I was really tired so went to bed about 9pm. I was woken by a loud banging noise around 2.15am. I sat bolt upright in my bed and noticed a tall dark figure standing at the bottom of my bed. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman and I couldn't see its face. I sat there for about 30 seconds looking at it, trying to calm myself down and trying to adjust my eyes to see if I could see the figure’s face, until I heard a loud bang downstairs again, I turned around towards the stairs but there was nothing and when I turned back to face the figure, it was gone. I jumped out of bed and turned the light on. I put my clothes on, ran out of my house and got a cab to my boyfriend’s house. I told my granddad what happened today and also told him I’d be moving out from today. 自从那个星期一的晚上后,昨晚是我爷爷第一次又把我一个人留在了家里。我决定睡在客厅的沙发床上,那天我很累,所以大概九点就上床了。凌晨大约两点一刻的时候我又被一声巨大的砰砰声给吵醒了,我立直起身子,注意到我床尾处站着一个巨大的黑影。我也说不上那是个男的还是个女的,我也看不清他的脸.我就坐着,看了它大概半分钟,想让自己镇定下来,让眼睛适应一下光线看看能不能看清楚那张黑影的脸。正在这时,我又听到楼下一只巨响,我把脸别向楼梯,但什么也没有看到。当我把脸转回来时,却发现那个黑影不见了。我从床上跳起来,把灯打开,穿上衣服,跑出房间,拦了一辆出租车直奔我男友家。我告诉我爷爷今天发生的一切,也告诉他我今天开始我再也不会住在那了。

Whatever is in that house, it doesn't like me. Well it must not, my granddad has lived there for 24 years and nothing like this has ever happened. I can't explain it and I don't ever want to experience anything like that ever again. 不管那房子里是什么东西,它都对我都没什么好感,它肯定不喜欢我,因为我爷爷在那住了24年,可什么都没有发生过。我解释不了这到底是怎么回事,这种事,我也不想再碰到了。


